Wednesday 31 January 2018

State of the Union: Congress divided on Trump speech

The contrasting reactions to the president's speech tell the tale of a deeply divided Congress.

from BBC News - World

State of the Union: Kennedy delivers response to Trump

Joseph Kennedy III attacked the president and said Democrats were speaking for all Americans.

from BBC News - World

Taliban 'threaten 70% of Afghanistan' BBC investigation finds

The Afghan Taliban, which US-led forces spent billions of dollars trying to defeat, are now openly active in 70% of the country, a BBC study has found.

from BBC News - World

Super blue blood moon: Get ready for a rare celestial show

A lunar eclipse, supermoon and blue moon are about to happen at once. Here's what you need to know.

from BBC News - World

Why did Kenya's Raila Odinga 'inaugurate' himself as president?

Kenya's main opposition leader stages his own "swearing-in" after two disputed elections. We explain.

from BBC News - World

Réunion island and the 'stolen children' of France

Marlène Morin was 15 when she was resettled from the island of Réunion to France. After 52 years, she finally returned.

from BBC News - World

Top-secret Australian files 'left at second-hand shop'

Bureaucrats say they will urgently investigate after the files were found in a second-hand filing cabinet.

from BBC News - World

'Emotional support peacock' barred from United Airlines plane

United Airlines refuses to let a woman in New Jersey board a plane with a peacock, citing its size.

from BBC News - World

State of the Union: The North Korean defector at Trump's side

North Korean defector Ji Seong-ho waved his crutches to resounding applause when Trump called him up.

from BBC News - World

Used clothes: Why is worldwide demand declining?

As the worldwide demand for used and worn clothing plummets, what do we do with our unwanted clothes?

from BBC News - World

'I was 12 when I married a 35-year-old'

A campaign in several African countries wants to stop child brides and keep girls in education.

from BBC News - World

The tea boss with a thirst for global domination

How businessman Tran Qui Thanh built Vietnam's largest soft drinks firm, THP, and his plans to become a worldwide brand.

from BBC News - World

Bollywood's troubled relationship with women

Film critic Shubhra Gupta shines a spotlight on the history of sexism in Indian films.

from BBC News - World

Italy PM says Rome has duty to appeal EU drugs agency decision

ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said on Wednesday that Rome has a duty to appeal a decision by European authorities to move the bloc's medicines agency EMA to Holland from Britain but he realises it will be an uphill battle.

from Reuters: World News

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump says he’s ‘100 percent’ behind releasing FISA surveillance memo

01/31/18 12:34 AM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump: 'I am keeping another promise' by signing order to keep Guantanamo Bay prison open

01/30/18 10:15 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump invites Dems to help protect all US citizens 'because Americans are dreamers too'

01/30/18 9:54 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump says honoring veterans is ‘why we proudly stand for the national anthem’

01/30/18 9:37 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Clinton, moments before SOTU, explains why she didn't fire campaign adviser

01/30/18 9:31 PM

Logan Paul 'more popular' than Zoella with children

Study suggests children are seeking edgier content on YouTube, their favourite online site.

from BBC News - Technology

Jamie Grace and Reba Sing Powerful Worship Song Together in Instagram Video

Contemporary Christian musical artist Jamie Grace congratulated fellow singer Reba McEntire on her recent Grammy win in an Instagram video this week. 


Battle of the Billboards: Pro-Lifers Fight Back Against Pro-Abortion Signs

Pro-life groups are countering a group of controversial pro-abortion billboards in Ohio with their own pro-life billboards.


Facebook's New Campaign to Combat 'Fake News' : What It Means for Your News Feed

Facebook announced this week that it is fighting misinformation on user's news feeds by favoring local news over national news. 


Time for a Second Reformation? Why Some Say Another 'Revival' Is Not Enough

Many Christians believe they've lost the culture war and their nation is slipping away. They believe it's time for a world-changing Reformation.


Woman Testifies in Church to Being Raped by Mother's Boyfriend - Pastor Responds

Video of a woman testifying in church that she was raped when she was 8-years-old is making its rounds on the internet.  But the pastor of the church says there is more to the story.


Faith Leaders on Immigration: 'Families Aren't Chains'

Faith leaders are calling on the president and other political leaders to stop using the term "chain migration" as the immigration debate heats up.


Did You Catch These 'Ordinary' American Heroes Trump Invited to the State of the Union?

President Trump gave his first State of the Union address tonight and he honored some of the nation's "hidden" heroes by inviting them as his special guests to the event. 


Forget About the Wall, Right Now Border Patrol Is Facing This Crisis

It was a campaign pledge that helped President Donald Trump win the White House. But the battle over funding a new border wall continues on Capitol Hill. Now the agency in charge of overseeing the building of the wall has a crisis – a manpower crisis.


'When God Gets in the Middle...Anything Is Possible': Girl Once on Life Support Is Heading Home

More good news for Chloe Clark, the young Christian girl who miraculously recovered from a severe head injury – she's finally getting to go home.  


A God Who Restores: Michael Vick Reads Psalm 23 Over Liberty University Students

Repentance, redemption and restoration – former NFL star Michael Vick knows these topics well, and shared that message with students at the Liberty University convocation Monday.


FBI's No.2 'Quits' Right Before Retirement: Is It Because of This 'Explosive' Memo?

Andrew McCabe's departure is fueling speculation about a congressional memo that could soon be released.


Trump warns Americans of nuclear threat from 'depraved' North Korea

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Branding North Korea’s leadership “depraved,” President Donald Trump told Americans on Tuesday that Pyongyang’s pursuit of nuclear missiles could “very soon threaten our homeland” and vowed a continued campaign to prevent that.

from Reuters: World News

U.S. lawmakers blast Trump decision to hold off on Russia sanctions

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. Congress, who passed new sanctions on Russia nearly unanimously last summer, criticized President Donald Trump on Tuesday for not imposing them, accusing him of being soft on his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

from Reuters: World News

May says will give parliament 'appropriate analysis' before Brexit deal vote

WUHAN, China (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday that lawmakers would be given official analysis on any Brexit deal before they are asked to approve it, dismissing a leaked document showing the economy would be worse off under all exit scenarios.

from Reuters: World News

Myanmar official in charge of troubled town stabbed to death

YANGON (Reuters) - A Myanmar official who was the administrator of a town in troubled Rakhine state when seven people died there in rioting earlier this month has been stabbed and killed, the government said on Wednesday.

from Reuters: World News

South Korea sends athletes for joint training at North Korean ski resort

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea will begin a joint training program at the Masikryong ski resort in North Korea on Wednesday as had been initially planned, the South's Ministry of Unification said, with a 45-person delegation engaging in a two-day trip.

from Reuters: World News

China says plenty of space separates Taiwan flights amid route row

BEIJING (Reuters) - China rebuffed Taiwan's objections in a deepening row over the opening of new flight paths in the Taiwan Strait, saying on Wednesday that the space separating routes over the waterway was more than is mandated by international standards.

from Reuters: World News

Taliban active in 70 percent of Afghanistan, BBC study finds

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Taliban are openly active in 70 percent of Afghanistan's districts, fully controlling 4 percent of the country and demonstrating an open physical presence in another 66 percent, according to a BBC study published on Tuesday.

from Reuters: World News

Hong Kong drowning in waste as China rubbish ban takes toll

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong boasts glittering skyscrapers, seamless transportation and billion dollar infrastructure projects, but it is struggling with a much more mundane problem: disposing of its trash.

from Reuters: World News

Mexico may allow U.S. air marshals to use stun guns on flights

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico is in talks with the United States on whether to allow U.S. federal air marshals to travel with Taser stun guns on cross-border flights with U.S. airlines, National Security Commissioner Renato Sales said in a TV interview on Tuesday.

from Reuters: World News

Drop in consumer demand hits UK car manufacturing

Lower demand in the UK and confusion over diesel policy are blamed by the industry trade body.

from BBC News - Business

Capita warns on profit as it sets out drastic shake-up

New chief executive Jonathan Lewis says the firm has become "too complex" and "driven by a short term focus".

from BBC News - Business

Thousands of cash machines may be closed

Up to 30,000 ATMs could go following changes to the fees that operators are paid, Link warns.

from BBC News - Business

'Dangerously' drunk tourists may not win insurance claims

Drinking excessive alcohol can invalidate travel insurance cover, but the burden of proof is on the insurer.

from BBC News - Business

US stocks fall for second consecutive day

Health care stocks suffer as investors worry about the potential for new competition.

from BBC News - Business

Theresa May unveils education deal at start of China visit

The UK prime minister hopes her trip "will intensify the golden era in UK-China relations".

from BBC News - Business

B&Q to cut 200 head office jobs

The retailer is to get rid of 200 head office jobs as part of a cost-cutting drive.

from BBC News - Business

Employers urged to let staff 'rest' during working day

Taking some time out during the working day could boost employees' productivity, new guidance says.

from BBC News - Business

Pierre Agnes: Boardriders boss goes missing at sea in France

Pierre Agnes' boat was discovered washed ashore near Biarritz on France's Atlantic coast.

from BBC News - Business

RBS boss admits restructuring 'mistake'

Ross McEwan tells MPs his claim about the controversial Global Restructuring Group was "not right".

from BBC News - Business

Amazon joins up with US firms to enter healthcare sector

Amazon, JP Morgan and Berkshire are looking at ways to subsidise healthcare costs for US employees.

from BBC News - Business

US blocks $600m coin offering by 'scam' bank

The move extends warnings from regulators about efforts to raise money through crypto offerings.

from BBC News - Business

Coronation Street to get a Co-op and Costa in product placement deal

But ITV insists Roy's Rolls won't come under threat.

from BBC News - Business

Can cars be used as mini power stations?

A trial aims to determine the viability of electric vehicles feeding energy back into the grid.

from BBC News - Business

Rescuing child brides

A campaign in several African countries wants to stop child brides and keep girls in education.

from BBC News - Business

Global brew

How businessman Tran Qui Thanh built Vietnam's largest soft drinks firm, THP, and his plans to become a worldwide brand.

from BBC News - Business

Things fall apart

As the worldwide demand for used and worn clothing plummets, what do we do with our unwanted clothes?

from BBC News - Business

Democratic Response to SOTU

By Unknown Author from NYT U.S.

Why Koreans Are So Good at Speedskating


The Unabashed Beauty of Jason Brown on Ice


What Cross-Country Skiing Reveals About the Human Condition

By SAM ANDERSON from NYT Magazine

The First African Team to Compete in Bobsled

By As told to JAIME LOWE from NYT Magazine

The Search for Stillness at the Heart of Biathlon

By BROOKE JARVIS from NYT Magazine

Full Transcript and Video: Joe Kennedy Delivers Democratic Response to the State of the Union


Trump’s Volk und Vaterland

By ROGER COHEN from NYT Opinion

Trump’s Besotted Republicans

By KEVIN BAKER from NYT Opinion

Trump Tries for a Reset

By ROSS DOUTHAT from NYT Opinion